In Turkey’s Mountain Villages, Nadir Bucan Finds a World Far Removed From What We Know
Plain Magazine
While teaching photography and cinema at Yuzuncu Yil University in Turkey’s Van region, a new world opened up to Nadir Bucan, which he documented in his project Under the Shadow of the Sun. While aware that Van was profoundly marked by its traditional villages, mountains, lakes, islands and cultures, Nadir wasn’t prepared for just how overwhelmingly huge the disconnection was between its inhabitants and the ‘real’ world as he knew it.
by Kala Barba-Court
Nadir Bucan documents hardship and beauty in the face of nature’s unaltered presence
Prodibi Pixel Magazine
Documentary photographer Nadir Bucan has spent the past six years documenting life in the small villages of Turkey’s Van region. The project, "Under the Shadow of the Sun", is a testament to the stripped down life that exists in the remote area, where people’s survival is based on their animals.
by Olivier Hamel
Nadir Bucan: I felt like I was traveling in a different time
When Nadir Bucan started to take photographs in 1999, digital photography had not yet taken over. Having attended a Basic Photography class during his time at Ankara University, he bought an analog camera and began to learn the ropes...
Words by Alex Kahl
A l’ombre du soleil
Tous les Jours Curieux Magazine
Le photographe turc Nadir Bucan a voyagé pendant six ans dans les villages de montagne reculés de Turquie, documentant la vie simple des femmes et des hommes qui y habitent dans une nature d’une grande beauté. C’est le témoignage d’une existence tranquille, loin de la technologie moderne, où il faut savoir faire face aux rudes conditions naturelles et être capable de satisfaire tous les besoins essentiels en toute autonomie...
Interview by Gilles Courtinat
Bajo La Sombra Del Sol
La Fotografía Magazine, No. 03, 2018
«Me mude a la region de Van en Turquia en 2010 para trabajar como profesor de fotografia en la Universidad Yuzuncu Yil. Por supuesto, tambien fui consciente de que Van ha sido testigo de muchas culturas y pueblos y esta marcada profundamente por sus pueblos tradicionales, montahas, lagos e islas. Como fotografo esto definitivamente era algo que queria explorar. Y luego estaba el sol siempre presente...
Sotto L'ombra Del Sole
Eikon Culture Magazine, No: 2, June 2018
Ho vagato per sei anni tra i remoti villaggi di montagna della regione di Van della Turchia, documentando ogni momento di disagio e di bellezza nel mezzo della presenza assoluta della natura. Una delle cose che mi ha colpito di più è che il profondo disagio che deriva dalla vita moderna è completamente assente in questi villaggi...
Off The Grid: Van, Turquie
Les Others, Volume VI, November 2017
Les innovations technologiques ont toujours affecte notre style de vie. Si la television a contribue a la transformation du notre planete en un village global, elle a aussi jete les bases d’une nouvelle societe, plus monotone, imaginee par et pour des consommateurs. // In our modern times, we live in a networked society, trapped in the electronic bubble of a virtual world. Changes in communication technologies have affected the living styles of humans around the world...
Photographs and text by Nadir Bucan
Another Turkey
Renk. Magazine, Vol. II, November 2017
Nadir Bucans Fotografen zeigen ein Leben, wie wir es heute kaum noch kennen. Er reiste in den Osten der Türkei, in die provinz Van, und fing dort den Alltag der Dorfbewohner ein; zwischen bergen und Seen, ohne moderne Technik und Einkaufszentren, ohne Konsumwhan. Ein autonomes Leben? // Nadir Bucan'ın fotoğrafları, Bugün neredeyse unuttuğumuz bir hayatı görüntülüyor. Türkiye'nin doğusundan, Van'dan köylülerin günlük hayatına dokunan kareler... Dağların ve göllerin arasında, modern teknoloji ve alışveriş merkezlerinin, giysi çılgınlığının olmadığı bir yaşam. Bağımsızlık dedikleri belki...
by Bastian Schneider
Under the Shadow of the Sun
April 17, 2017
In the eastern corner of Turkey, entire communities go about their days without the constant hum of dislocated communication. Looking at their lives, we can ask ourselves: what have we lost in the midst of our dizzying technological gains?
Photographs and text by Nadir Bucan
Another Life Entirely: Six Years in Turkey’s Remote Mountain Villages
July 02, 2017
When we think of Turkey, the last thing that comes to mind is survival on the bare necessities, utterly detached from the kind of technology that has risen to a state of status quo for many. Turkish photographer Nadir Bucan wandered among the remote mountain villages of Turkey’s Van region for six years, documenting every moment of hardship and beauty in the midst of nature’s unmitigated presence...
Text by Feride Yalav-Heckeroth
Interview: Photographer Spends 6 Years Documenting Village Life in Eastern Turkey
My Modern Met
May 06, 2017
Documentary photographer Nadir Bucan has spent the past six years documenting life in the small villages of Turkey's Van region. The project, Under the Shadow of the Sun, is a testament to the stripped down life that exists in the remote area, where people's survival is based on their animals...
By Jessica Stewart
Photographer reveals remote Turkey's hidden side with these surprising and beautiful images
Lonely Planet
August 01, 2017
When most people think of Turkey, they think of bustling, historic Istanbul, the blue seas and warm beaches of the Mediterranean, or perhaps the phantasmagorical rock formations of Cappadocia. But little-known parts of the country are as just as stunning, as Turkish photographer Nadir Bucan shows in his images from the remote mountain villages outside the eastern city of Van, near the Iranian border...
by Jennifer Hattam
Traditional Life in Turkish Mountains by Nadir Bucan
October 16, 2017
Nadir Bucan, a Turkish photographer, spent six years teaching photography into the mountains of the Van region, Turkey. As a reporter, he had the possibility to portray habits and traditions in this region which beautiful landscapes are as wild as immaculate...
by Costanza Spina
Professione: Nadir Bucan
Tutti Fotografi, Vol. 10, October 2016
“Under the Shadow of the Sun” (Sotto I’ombra del Sole) b il romantico titolo del progetto che Nadir ha iniziato sei anni fa e che b ancora in progress; le immagini che pubblichiamo fanno parte di questo lavo ro, ambientato nella Anatolia orientale, e progettato per raccontare la vita di queste popolazioni. Sono villaggi arcaici dove gli sviluppi tecnologici non arrivano, luoghi in- contaminati dove internet non serve; quello checontaeI’acqua, laterra, glianimali...
by Sara Namias
Unter dem Schatten der Sonne
July 19, 2017
2010 zog ich nach Van, einer Stadt in der Region Ostanatolien in der Türkei, weil ich zum Dozenten an der Van Yuzuncu Yil University ernannt wurde. Ich begann, Fotokurse an der Fakultät für bildende Künste zu geben und wollte gleichzeitig mehr Zeit mit dem Fotografieren selbst verbringen...
by Katja Kemnitz
Nadir Bucan
July 20, 2017
Nadir Bucan defines himself as both an academician and documentary photographer. He started to take pictures with an analog camera in 1999 when digital photography had not declared its dominance yet. He used roll films until 2009 and he participated in every stage of photography from chemical bath to printing...
Eles vivem na Anatólia, em pleno contacto com a natureza
February 26, 2017
O fotógrafo turco Nadir Bucan mudou-se para Van, na região da Anatólia Oriental (no sudeste da Turquia), em 2010, quando lhe foi atribuído um cargo de docência na Faculdade de Belas Artes daquela cidade. Nos arredores, longe da zona urbana onde reside, existe uma região que se caracteriza pela rusticidade e onde se encontram "aldeias muito tradicionais, montanhas, lagos e ilhas", descreveu o fotógrafo, ao P3, em entrevista via e-mail...
by Ana Marques Maia
Nadir Bucan spędził 6 lat, dokumentując życie wiosek na wschodzie Turcji. Pokazał wspaniałą kulturę
WP Fotoblogia
July 27, 2017
”Under the Shadow of the Sun” (”W cieniu słońca”) to projekt dokumentalny Nadira Bucana, który opowiada o życiu malutkich wiosek w tureckim regionie Van. Mieszkańcy to w większości Kurdowie, którzy charakteryzują się specyficzną kulturą...
by Marcin Watemborski
Portfolyo: Nadir Bucan
Gezgin, No. 99, May 2015
Walter Benjamin, o ünlü fakat bir o kadar da göz ardı edilmis denemesi Fotoğrafın Kısa Tarihi’nde, insan görüntüsünün fotoğrafın vazgeçilmez unsuru olduğunu belirtir. Ona göre; fotoğrafı üstün kılan özgünlük, insan öznesini var etmesidir.
Photographs and text by Nadir Bucan
Breath of a Demolition
İz , Vol. 42, November/December 2012
Sirbent precipice takes its name from a tale of two lovers in the Suphan mountain. And Suphan mountain is a huge mountain in mists ever watching over lake Van. We say Lake Van, the inhabitants of Van, is the "Sea of Van" That vastness stretching from the Sea of Van entering between two rocks but never between two lovers...
text by Denef Huvaj